
30 квітня відзначається міжнародний день джазу. У цей день, о 1:00 годині дня в прямому ефірі та через чотири години після того у записі за адресою http://jazzday.com/concert/ можна «бути присутнім» на джазовому концерті.

Green Cities

Earth Day 2014: U.S. Cities Paint the Town Green (http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/publication/2014/01/20140116291159.html#axzz2sGGiHUKk) This issue tells about innovative ideas in America’s thriving food-truck industry, as well as ideas fueling the construction of environmentally friendly buildings, the design of better medicines and more.

Асоціація бібліотечних послуг для юнацтва (підрозділ Американської бібліотечної асоціації) протягом 2013 року обговорювала стан бібліотечного обслуговування підлітків і в січні 2014 р. оприлюднила звіт «Майбутнє бібліотечних послуг для та з підлітками: заклик до дій» (“The Future of Library Services for and with Teens: a Call to Action”:http://www.ala.org/yaforum/project-report). Мова йде про підходи до організації якісного бібліотечного обслуговування молоді, їхнього залучення до організації цих послуг з огляду на вимоги та виклики 21-го століття. Детальніше див.: http://libinnovate.wordpress.com/2014/01/14/%d1%81%d1%88%d0%b0-%d0%bc%d0%b0%d0%b9%d0%b1%d1%83%d1%82%d0%bd%d1%94-%d0%b1%d1%96%d0%b1%d0%bb%d1%96%d0%be%d1%82%d0%b5%d1%87%d0%bd%d0%b8%d1%85-%d0%bf%d0%be%d1%81%d0%bb%d1%83%d0%b3-%d0%b4%d0%bb/

Books that Shaped Work in America project is exactly what it sounds like: a collection of books that shaped and/or reflected changing attitudes about work in America. It’s got books for kids, books on working women, books on unions, books on capitalism and markets, books on immigration and the American Dream – novels, nonfiction, poetry, drama – it’s really pretty diverse.


If you click on the title you get a short description, a quote, and a link to relevant resources. If you click on the photo of a contributor (which includes Labor Secretaries, authors etc.), you can see which books they recommended and a short essay on why those books were chosen. Right now there are 92 titles, but the list will be updated.


Here is the link: www.dol.gov/books

Webinar for librarians

“New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations“ is a series of free quarterly webinars on issues of interest to new librarians, models of library associations and library schools working with new professionals, and groups by and for librarians. IFLA President-Elect Donna Scheeder will be the keynote speaker on 14 January 2014 .
The free webinars are presented by IFLA’s Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section (CPDWL) and IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group (NPSIG) in partnership with the American Library Association.

Featured Digital Libraries

A complete collection of the Digital Libraries of the Week featured in AL Direct, American Libraries’ weekly e-newsletter, since 2007. A new Digital Library will be added each week. (americanlibrariesmagazine.org/aldirect)

Pew Internet & American Life Project just released a new report on “How Americans Value Public Libraries in Their Communities”. It says that Americans strongly value the role of public libraries in their communities, both for providing access to materials and resources and for promoting literacy and improving the overall quality of life. Most Americans say they have only had positive experiences at public libraries, and value a range of library resources and services. Find the report here: http://libraries.pewinternet.org/2013/12/11/libraries-in-communities/.

Publications in eBook formats!

A selection of publications is now available for your eReader, smartphone or mobile device. You can find more than 45 eBook titles – including The NGO Handbook, Outline of U.S. Government and eJ|USA – under the “Publications” tab at: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/ebooks.html#axzz2k430woAR

The site features English-language versions, more language options will be available soon. Start exploring today with these popular publications:

·         The NGO Handbook
·         Outline of U.S. Government
·         eJ|USA: Destination America

Шарлин Портер

06 ноября 2013 года. Вашингтон.

Начиная с 2000 года, международные правоохранительные органы и представители правосудия разных стран обращают все более пристальное внимание на преступления, связанные с торговлей людьми. В упомянутом году Организация Объединенных Наций приняла международную конвенцию, направленную на борьбу с торговлей людьми, которую подписали 117 стран.

В том же году Конгресс США принял Закон о защите жертв торговли людьми, который стал самым сильным юридическим инструментом страны по защите жертв современного рабства, число которых в США по оценкам достигает сотен тысяч, а во всем мире — более 20 миллионов. Теперь члены Комитета по иностранным делам Палаты представителей США планируют принять закон, который по-новому будет рассматривать этот вид уголовной деятельности, чтобы помочь потенциальным жертвам лучше себя защитить.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/russian/article/2013/11/20131106285910.html#ixzz2kW76Jj19

Master Storyteller – David Gonzalez

With speech, sound, mime, dance and above all, inspired imagination, master storyteller/performer David Gonzalez is keeping the ancient art of storytelling alive. From London’s Royal National Theater to Broadway to hundreds of schools across North America, Gonzalez has performed to more than 5,000 audiences worldwide. A winner of the Helen Hayes Performing Artist of the Year Award, Gonzalez is applauded for his vocal, physical and narrative talents and gift for mimicry, comic timing, and wordplay. Relying on the majesty and variety of language, the limitless landscape of imagination, the pulse of music and the beauty of art, he creates and performs multimedia productions that capture audiences of all ages and cultures. 

See: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEWYDE6EhtrnFV1nHZYF9BJKOJLSrkkiF